Postponed: Broken Time, 2020 By Lam Wong

Relatedexhibition: Third Realm

Due to a Provincial health order on gatherings and events, Broken Time, 2020 by Lam Wong has been postponed until further notice. This order does not affect the Polygon's exhibition programming, and the Gallery is open tomorrow from 10am to 5pm for the final day of Third Realm.



Join Vancouver artist, Lam Wong in his installation and tea meditation performance on Sunday, November 8 at 3 pm in The Polygon’s Seaspan Pavilion. The tea meditation will be followed by a Q&A.

To mark the final day of Third Realm, Lam Wong has been invited to create a new work in response to the themes of Buddhism within the exhibition. Lam is drawn to Buddhism as a form of realism that reflects the beauty of imperfection and the elastic nature of time. In this performance he will serve tea in Kintsugi Chawan (repaired bowls) by Naoko Fukumaru. The slow, contemplative experience of Broken Time suggests ways to live fearlessly and calmly in this time of crisis.

Lam Wong is a visual artist, curator and designer who immigrated from Hong Kong and now lives in North Vancouver. His approach is often focused on Eastern philosophies. Since studying the philosophy of Chuang Tzu and Taoism in his early twenties, Lam was led to Tibetan Buddhism, California Zen writers and the Chinese teachings of HuiNeng. The fifteenth generation of a Chinese tea farmer family, Lam continues to explore the relationship between tea and Buddhism through contemporary art. Currently focused on painting and tea-related artwork, he has had recent exhibitions and tea meditations at Griffin Art Projects, Canton-Sardine and Centre A, and this year he was artist in residence at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.

Lam Wong dedicates this performance to the passing of Westcoast ceramicists Charmian Johnson and Wayne Ngan, whose rare tea cups will be used in Broken Time.

All special events at The Polygon Gallery are planned in accordance with the Provincial Health Officer’s most recent order on Gatherings & Events including capacity restrictions, social distancing, mandatory mask wearing and sanitization of high frequency touch points. The health and safety of both staff and visitors of The Polygon Gallery is our top priority. Our complete COVID safety plan is available upon request.