Unfinished Business: Vancouver Street Photographs 1955 To 1985

Dick Bellamy, Michael de Courcy, Jack Dale, Christos Dikeakos, Fred Douglas, Svend-Erik Eriksen, Robbert Flick, Greg Girard, Fred Herzog, Curt Lang, N.E. Thing Company, Henri Robideau, Brian Stablyk, Bruce Stewart, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace, Tony Westman, Paul Wong.
Curated by: Bill Jeffries

Unfinished Business is a critical examination of the streets and street life of the City of Vancouver and its environs. The exhibition explores the history of 'street work' from a key period in the city's development. This thirty year period was chosen for several reasons, one of which was to acknowledge the work of Fred Herzog, who has photographed the city since 1954, more or less launching the post-was photo documentation of Vancouver. At the other end of the thirty year period is Expo '86, the world's fair that forever changed the city. The main subject of the exhibition is quotidian Vancouver - our everyday urban reality as it happened to be captured on film. The photographs of Vancouver's street life in the exhibition take the city's pulse in it's last years as a "small town on the coast."

The exhibition is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, The B.C. Arts Council, The City and District of North Vancouver, The GVRD, the North Shore Arts Commision and the District of West Vancouver. The events are supported by the Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation.

Presentation House Gallery published two catalogues in conjunction with the exhibition.

Gallery Press Release

Saturday January 11, 2pm | Introductory talk on the exhibition by PHG Director Bill Jeffries.

Thursday January 16, 7:30 |An Evening on the Subject of Curt Lang.
Speakers: Claudia Cornwall, Gordon Cornwall, Fred Douglas, Jamie Reid

Thursday January 23, 7:30 | Working the Streets in pre-Expo Vancouver
With speakers: Michael de Courcy, Fred Herzog, Tony Westman and Brian Stablyk

Thursday January 30, 7:30 | Flaneurism and the Pedestrian Gaze
Speakers: Christos Dikeakos, Ian Wallace and Roy Arden.

Thursday February 6, 7:30 | No Girls Allowed!
Speakers: Ronnie Tessler, Marian Penner Bancroft, Sherry McKay and Petra Watson

Thursday February 13, 7:30 | Vancouver as an Evolutionary Organism
Speakers: Gordon Price, Trevor Boddy, Michael Kluckner
At the Wall Centre Penthouse in Vancouver.

Thursday February 20, 7:30pm | City on the Edge: Is Pre-Expo Vancouver Worth Saving?
Speakers: Gordon Price, Trevor Boddy, Michael Kluckner
At the Vancouver Museum, 1100 Chestnut Street



Unfinished Business exhibition publication
Unfinished Business exhibition publication
Unfinished Business, exhibition publication 2, OOP
Unfinished Business, exhibition publication 2. OOP
"Hastings at Columbia", Fred Herzog. ( Gallery Invitation - front )
"Hastings at Columbia", Fred Herzog. ( Gallery Invitation - front )
Unfinished business, Gallery Invitation - back
Gallery Invitation - back
Unfinished Business
Installation view: Unfinished Business
Unfinished Business: Svend-Erik Ericksen
Installation view: Svend-Erik Eriksen
Unfinished Business: Henri Robideau
Installation view: Henri Robideau photographs
Unfinished Business - Michael de Courcy & Paul Wong
Installation view: Michael de Courcy & Paul Wong
Unfinished Business - Bruce Stewart
Installation view: Bruce Stewart
Unfinished Business - Brian Stablyk
Installation view: Brian Stablyk
Unfinished Business: Dick Bellamy & Ian Wallace
Installation view: Dick Bellamy & Ian Wallace