Television Interference

Richard Serra, Louise Gendron, Antonio Muntadas, John Watt, Paul Wong , Peter D’ Agostino, Max Almy
Curated by: Renee Baert

The exhibition includes video works by Richard Serra: Television Delivers People, 1973, Louise Gendron: Femmes de Reve, 1979, Antonio Muntades: Between the Lines, 1979, John Watt: Two Way Mirror, 1980, Paul Wong: Prime Cuts, 1981, Peter D'Agostino: Teletapes, 1981 and Max Almy: Perfect Leader, 1983. A catalogue was pubished in conjunction with the exhibition.

Supported by the Canada Council.

television interference, Gallery Invitation - front
Gallery Invitation - front
television interference, Gallery Invitation - back
Gallery Invitation - back