Private Investigations: Merry Alpern, Allyson Clay, Jennifer Bolande

Curated by: Karen Henry

Private Investigations is about living in the camera's gaze and about transparencies: windows, lenses, invisible barriers, illusions of privacy, illusions of information. Allyson Clay's video camera explores our fascination with windows, and emphasizes the thin veil between public and private. Merry Alpern takes her hidden camera shopping, secretly recording her own fascination with this urban activity, transgressing perhaps, but no more or less than the ubiquitous store surveillance cameras. Jennifer Bolande explores the city at night and the charged "live" space of down time and dark shadows. Private obsessions - public space.

Supported by the Canada Council for the Arts

Gallery Press Release

Thursday, March 16, 7:30 pm | artist talk with Allyson Clay

Merry Alpern, Shopping, 1998, c-print of video still
Merry Alpern, Shopping, 1998, c-print of video still
Private investigations, Gallery Invitation - front
Gallery Invitation - front
Private Investigations, Gallery Invitation - back
Gallery Invitation - back