Kevin Schmidt: Fog

Curated by: Helga Pakasaar

This exhibition premieres new work by Vancouver artist Kevin Schmidt. It will feature Fog, a meditative reflection on nature as both a sublime and an artificial spectacle. This new work extends his interest in utopic aspirations expressed in the powerful video work, Long Beach, Led Zep, (2002), now in the National Gallery of Canada Collection. Recent exhibitions include: Emotion Eins (Frankfurter Kunstverein), Important Canadian Art (Zierhersmith, New York), Soudtracks – Replay, (Edmonton Art Gallery, Blackwood Gallery, McKenzie Art Gallery), Hammertown (Liverpool and Edinburgh) and Satan Oscillate my Metallic Sonatas (Contemporary Art Gallery).

Presentation House Gallery produced a CD which is representative of an artist's talk for the Kevin Schmidt installation, Fog, with an introduction by curator Helga Pakasaar and a text by Corin Sworn.

Gallery Press Release

Performance/ Talk: Tuesday, November 9 at 8pm at PH Theatre.

A limited print edition Prospect Point, 2007  is available here.

Fog CD, Kevin Schmidt
Fog CD, Kevin Schmidt
Kevin Schmidt, Detail from Fog, 2004, video
Kevin Schmidt, Detail from Fog, 2004, video
Poster for the exhibition "Fog"
Poster for the exhibition "Fog"