Taking Pictures

Roy Arden, Sorel Cohen, Angela Grauerholz, Susan Schelle, Howard Ursuliak
Curated by: Keith Wallace

This exhibition brings together the work of five artists who use images from "readymade" sources to create works which oscillates between the social and the subjective; between the past and the present; between the representational and its abstraction.

The types of images presented in this exhibition are common to most of us and experienced as part of our daily routine. But at the same time, specificity of circumstance or place within each image is obscured, thereby unsettling the persuasive certainty of the photographic record and keeping any definitive meaning in a state of suspension. Such frustration of meaning intensifies the process of looking, a process that is eroded by the very proliferation of photographic imagery.  It is these aspects that set the tone for Taking Pictures, that create a reading of work emphasizing that which is ambiguous and lyrical, often combining wit with a concern for the historical image.

Supported by the Canada Council.

A catalogue was published by Presentation House Gallery in conjunction with the exhibition, with an essay by Keith Wallace.


July 27, 8pm | Opening Reception

July 31, 7:30 pm | Lecture by Susan Schelle

Taking Pictures exhibition publication
Taking Pictures exhibition publication
taking pictures, Gallery Invitation
Gallery Invitation