Evan Lee: Captures: Selected Works, 1998 – 2006

Curated by: Bill Jeffries

Evan Lee’s photographs are explorations of the extraordinary within the ordinary. He has continued the research strain of Vancouver practice that seeks meaning in detail, an idea that goes back to the 1950s work of Fred Herzog and has been continued by Roy Arden, Karin Bubas, Scott McFarland and Jeff Wall, among others. Lee’s work specifically addresses the presence of ‘the phenomenal’ in the detritus of our secular world. The exhibition is an overview of all of Lee’s projects since 1998, and will debut a new body of work focused on the forms of the ginseng root.

Presentation House Gallery has published a catalogue with text by Christopher Brayshaw, Peter Culley, Jeff Wall and William Wood.

Gallery Press Release
Media Coverage

Saturday, January 21, 4pm | Artist's Talk



Evan Lee Captures exhibition publication
Evan Lee Captures exhibition publication
Stain #11
Stain #11
Courtesy the artist and Monte Clark Gallery
Courtesy the artist and Monte Clark Gallery
Captures, Lee, Gallery Invitation - front
Gallery Invitation - front
Captures, Lee, Gallery Invitation - back
Gallery Invitation - back