Biographical Landscape: The Photography Of Stephen Shore 1968–1993

The Biographical Landscape exhibition offers an opportunity to revisit the works of Stephen Shore, one of the most prominent and influential American photographers to emerge in the last half-century. Focusing on “Uncommon Places”–Shore’s essential series on the American vernacular landscape produced between 1973 and 1982–The Biographical Landscape provides an opportunity to reexamine this work in the context of his broader oeuvre, unearthing the conceptual underpinnings that inform his work throughout. The exhibition will use the occasion of Aperture’s expanded edition titled Uncommon Places: The Complete Works to showcase this important body of work. Philip Gefter in the New York Times (July 4, 2004) said, “…while the work in “Uncommon Places” is firmly grounded in a serious documentary tradition, the pictures are as much about pure discovery.”

Gallery Press Release

Saturday, November 12, 2 pm | Artist's Talk by Stephen Shore | Emily Carr Institute

Saturday, November 12, 7 pm to 10 pm |Opening Reception with Stephen Shore in attendance | Presentation House Gallery

Exhibition organized and circulated by Aperture Foundation, New York City.


Poster for the exhibition "The Biographical Landscape"
Poster for the exhibition "The Biographical Landscape"
Stephen Shore, Gallery Invitation, Back
Gallery Invitation, Back
Stephen Shore, Gallery Invitation, Front
Gallery Invitation, Front