Getting It Together In The Country: Rodney Graham

Curated by: Karen Love

Rodney Graham’s first exhibition in Vancouver since 1996 presents three very recent works and an early photographic project. In the two major works, which investigate mythic themes from the cinema, the artist once again steps into the lead role. How I became a Ramblin’ Man, a video projection work, has Graham as singing cowboy meandering across a British Columbian range. And the photo diptych titled Fishing on a Jetty is “a not-too-scrupulous reconstruction” of a shot in Alfred Hitchcock’s To Catch a Thief. Both have been on view in the summer and autumn of 2000 at the DIA Centre for the Arts in New York. The exhibition will also include an earlier project titled Aerodynamic Forms in Space, images photographed in 1977 but not printed until 1996.

Supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Gallery Press Release

Rodney Graham installation view, Fishing on a Jetty
Rodney Graham installation view, Fishing on a Jetty
Rodney Graham, Gallery Invitation - front
Gallery Invitation - front
Rodney Graham, Gallery Invitation - back
Gallery Invitation - back