Cenotaphe. Barbara Steinman

Co-Curated by: Diana Augaitis and Karen Henry

Cool video-flames shed light on texts inscribed in granite. The flames are reflected in plexiglass. repeated in mirrors. Slides are projected from the peripherals at intervals, illuminating the installation and its intent. The work is a cenotaphe, a symbolic tomb. It is a tribute to those whose history remains unrecorded.

Cenotaphe was first shown in Lyon, France (December 13, 1985 - February 2, 1986) in a building directly beside St. Joseph's prison where Klaus Barbie, former head of the Gestapo in Lyon, awaits trail. - Barbara Steinman

Part of the Luminous Sites Project, ten video installations in Vancouver galleries. A Video In and Western Front Co-production.

Calendar of Events for Luminous Sites

Tomiyo Sasaki at Vancouver Art Gallery
Barbara Steinman at Presentation House Gallery
Paul Wong at Harbour Centre Parkade
Cornelia Wyngaarden at Contemporary Art GAllery
Ian Carr Harris at Western Front
Max Dean at Or Gallery
David Tomas at Coburg Gallery
Randy and Berenicci at Park Place
Kate Craig at Park Place
Vera Frenkel at Community Arts Council


Thursday, February 24, 7:30pm | Opening Reception